Monthly Archives: January 2013

Simple batch file to run a directory of powershell .ps1 files

A few times our support team has given me a zip file full of .ps1 files they want me to run – today I got two zip files with about 20 powershell scripts.

Not wanting to write them by hand, I wrote this small batch file called run.bat and put it in the directory with the ps1 files.

powershell -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass}" -NoExit
for %%f in (*.ps1) do powershell -Command "& {.\%%f}" -NoExit

Map a drive letter to SharePoint in a way that can survive a reboot.

If you’ve tried to map a network drive to sharepoint, and found it didn’t survive a reboot, here’s a Trick a fellow sharepoint person shared with me:


In other words, if your site is,
to get to that in windows, without opening a browser first, you’d go to \\\davwwwroot\RootSite\subsite\library

Update 6-2014 — renamed article to make it easier to find.

Also, please note, there is the “net use” command which can map a drive from the command prompt.

For example:

net use z: \\\davwwwroot\subsite\library /user:domain\user yourpassword  /Persistent:yes

(You can leave off the password part and type it in at runtime)

Does your organization do SharePoint Training?

This is more of a twitter question, but with 140 characters, I can’t really explain what I am looking for…

This is not a call for trainers (sorry trainers!)

I’m looking for feedback from people who’ve seen organizations tackle training.

What did that organization do well?
What was received well from users?
Did the training help push the SharePoint platform forward?
Did it increase productivity?
Did it work with Executives?
What format was used?
Was there anything that did not work?