Monthly Archives: November 2013

A nice script for clearing the SharePoint Timer Cache

One of the first things I learned when troubleshooting SharePoint was to reset the SharePoint Timer Service Cache.

The basics of it are:

  1. Stop the SPtimerV4 service on a box
  2. navigate to c:\programdata\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\someguid
  3. delete everything but Cache.ini
  4. edit Cache.ini and replace the number you see with the number 1
  5. start SPtimerV4

Nick Hobbs has done a very nice powershell script to automate this across your whole farm:, based on a script from Mickey Jervin 

Nice job Nick and Mickey!

– Jack



I’m honored to be part of a relief effort organized by Dux Raymond Sy:

The Idea is fantastically simple: If you help victims of Typhoon Hiayan, The SharePoint community will help you.
Dux has rounded up a fantastic list of SharePoint experts.

If you donate $99 or more to a charity of your choice for the benefit of Victims of Typhoon Haiyan, Dux will hook you up with a SharePoint Expert for a free hour long SharePoint consulting session.

I’m so impressed with what Dux has put together here and I know that his efforts are bringing in more donations, and at a faster pace than what would have otherwise been possible!

If you haven’t already donated, and are considering, please do so now, it’s better for the relief effort and better for you since some of the donated SharePoint Slots are already starting to disappear.

Schedule your PowerShell Scripts using the Windows Task Scheduler

I did a quick (<3min) video showing how to schedule a PowerShell script with the Windows Task Scheduler. Quick note, Assuming you are running a SharePoint related PowerShell, don't forget two things: One, you'll need to include

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Also when Saving the script and entering a user account and password – don’t forget this account must have rights to SharePoint.