A common practice in IT is to have a separate admin account to connect to servers.
Often in day to day administration of SharePoint servers, it’s necessary to connect to the c$ or d$ share to look at a log file, copy an installer, etc…
You can do this from windows, and it will usually prompt you for credentials, but that can be a pain if you regularly connect to a bunch of machines that need different credentials.
This script will prompt you for a password, then use that password along with a pre-defined user account and server list to connect you to each server in advance.
function mapdrives
#Update these variables for your environment:
$account = "domainuseraccout"
$serverlist = @("Server1", "Server2", "Server3", "Etc...")
$SecurePwd = read-host -assecurestring "Enter password for $account"
$pwd = ConvertTo-PlainText($SecurePwd)
foreach ($Server in $ServerList)
net use \$server /d
net use \$Server /user:$account $pwd
write-host "Done mapping drives"
# This function came from Oisin Grehan, MVP
# via: http://www.vistax64.com/powershell/159190-read-host-assecurestring-problem.html
Function ConvertTo-PlainText( [security.securestring]$secure )
$marshal = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]
$marshal::PtrToStringAuto( $marshal::SecureStringToBSTR($secure) )