You can edit the url manually and avoid using the Filter UI to find the property you need to edit
If you’ve tried customizing search in Office 365, Specifically in dealing with Managed properties, you know it can take a lot of time going back and forth to the managed Properties page, and then using the filter to search for the property you need.
This is even more grating when you have to customize the “Refinable”s because there are so many of them (you can’t just filter on ref, you have to type in RefinableStringxx)
This time saver might fall under the ‘obvious’ category, but have a quick look at the URL – you can easily jump from one Managed Property to another, by just altering the URL:
Note that you still need to click OK, which takes you back to the main screen, so I just copied the URL before I did that, then pasted it in, and typed over the property name to get the one I wanted.