I ran into a strange problem when installing Language packs for SharePoint.
I installed 2 languages, and the corresponding service packs for them.
After the installation, you’re supposed to run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard.
This is where the problems started – the wizard failed.
After trying a handful of things, it was time for a call to MS Support.
This might be the first call where running that SETH diagnostic tool seemed to help.
The agent came back and asked me to grant full control of our log directory to the WSS_ADMIN_WPG Local Security group. (As a side note, our logs aren’t in the default location, they were moved off the system drive years ago.)
I am not sure how, or why, but that actually worked.
What makes this interesting is,
- The WSS_ADMIN_WPG group already had read and Write access to the directory, just not full control.
- After the Products Configuration Wizard completed, the permissions on the logs directory had been reset – no more full control, back to read and write, just as they were before all of this started.
Hopefully this will help someone!