If search results from SharePoint (not Fast) search are not showing the right title, and instead are showing a few words from the content of the document, theres a registry setting you can set to fix that.
The registry setting will be found on any machine running sharepoint search (Central admin-> Manage servers in this farm will show you which boxes have this role)
These powershell commands will show what the value is currently (or an error if its not found – a good sign that you’re on the wrong machine!)
$RegKey ="SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice Server14.0SearchGlobalGathering Manager"
Cd hklm:$RegKey
$key = "EnableLastModifiedOverride"
Get-ItemProperty -path. -name $key | Select $key
$key = "EnableOptimisticTitleOverride"
Get-ItemProperty -path. -name $key | Select $key
(you can see the registry entries in the code, you can edit these manually if you’d like)
This script changes the values to 0, fixing the office 2007 issue in SP2010 search:
$RegKey ="HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice Server14.0SearchGlobalGathering Manager"
set-ItemProperty -path $RegKey -name EnableLastModifiedOverride -value 0
set-ItemProperty -path $RegKey -name EnableOptimisticTitleOverride -value 0
After you’re done with the above, restart the Sharepoint search service and do a full crawl – it is not necessary to reset the index.