Tag Archives: PowerShell

Using MaintenanceWindows in SharePoint 2013

Sharepoint 2013 Maintenance Window Banner ScreenShot
Sharepoint 2013 Maintenance Window Banner


At the SharePoint Conference this week, Session SP210 on upgrading to SP2013 mentioned a brand new feature that didn’t exit in the preview edition: MaintenanceWindows.

As you can see from the screenshot above, this feature puts up a simple banner alerting users of the upcoming work.

The message is localized in the users language so long as language packs are installed.

The “More Information” link can point to any page you specify.

I was pretty excited about this, and couldn’t wait to try it out!

The PowerShell to do this wasn’t as easy as I expected.

I’ve pasted below what worked for me.

 #1st get a content database
 get-SPContentDatabase  #this will list them all
                        #copy and paste a database ID and use it to assign a specific DB to a variable
 $ContentDB = Get-SPContentDatbase -Identity #ID goes here

 #now we're going to add a maintenance window to the SPContentDatabase with $ContentDB.MaintenanceWindows.Add()
 #before we can do that we need to create a Maintenance window object and populate it.

 #                         Parameter List             "MaintanceWarning or MaintanencePlanned",  Mt Start   ,  Mt End   , Notify Start, Notify End, duration , urlforinfo
 $MaintWindow = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPMaintenanceWindow "MaintenancePlanned", "1/1/2013", "1/2/2013", "11/16/2012" , "1/3/2013", "1:00:00", "http://www.mydomain.com/outageinfo.html"
    #Parameter List for above:
      #1: MaintanceWarning or MaintanencePlanned,
      #2: Maintenance Start Date
      #3: Maintenance End Date
      #4: Notification Start Date
      #5: Notification End Date
      #6: Duration in the format of DD:HH:mm:ss - "1:00:00" = 1 hour, "1:00:00:00" = 1 day
      #7: URL for info
      # Parameters 2-5 all take a date time in this format: "1/20/2012" or "1/20/2012 5:00:00 PM"  

  #Now we can see the properties of a single MaintenanceWindow by just typing in $MW and hitting enter:

  #for me this looked like this:
  # MaintenanceStartDate        : 1/1/2013 6:00:00 AM
  # MaintenanceEndDate          : 1/2/2013 6:00:00 AM
  # Duration                    : 01:00:00
  # NotificationStartDate       : 11/16/2012 6:00:00 AM
  # NotificationEndDate         : 1/3/2013 6:00:00 AM
  # MaintenanceType             : MaintenancePlanned
  # MaintenanceLink             : http://www.mydomain.com/outageinfo.html
  # UpgradedPersistedProperties :

  #ok with that out of the way, we just need to add it to he content database

Ok so that’s it – refresh your website and you should see the pink banner on the screenshot above!

Note, I originally tried to do this by just setting up a blank object without paramters, and then setting the properties one by one, but I found that MaintenanceStartDate and NotificationStartDate could not be changed after the object was created.

– Jack

Using Powershell to get a list of user IDs from AD

One of my network admin friends needed an easy way to provide some users with a list of names vs AD account names.

In many organizations, this is easy to guess, for example if my name is  Jack Basement, my id might be jbasement, but in this case, it wasn’t that easy so we needed to go to AD.

There are AD cmdlets, but they are not in powershell by default.

If you have the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 installed, then you’ll find a link to “Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell” in your administrator tools menu.


Using that we can easily get a list of the users needed and select just the columns we want

for example

Get-ADUser -identity domainuser #gets info on that user

Get-ADUser -filter {name - like "jack*"} #returns all the people named Jack

We can combine that with the select statement such as this:

Get-ADUser -filter {name - like "jack*"} | Select name, SamAccountname

Which gives us a nice list


Get-ADUser -filter {name - like "jack*"} | Select name, SamAccountname | convertto-csv

which will out put it as a comma separated CSV (Perfect for importing into Excel)


Get-ADUser -filter {name - like "jack*"} | Select name, SamAccountname | convertto-csv | out-file userlist.txt

which outputs the same thing, but to a file.


Now one neat trick, is that often you want to output all the users of a group in AD (technically this is called an Organizational Unit, or OU)

There is an LDAP filter type we can use for this

Whats cool here is that LDAP filters are sometimes a pain to get “just right” so we can cheat:

We can use the distinguished name of a known user in that group and grab the group from that

so for example

Get-ADUser -identity domainbJack

results in a bunch of output, the first field is the distingished name and we can copy and paste that for our next command

Get-ADUser -filter * -SearchBase = "OU=mygroup,DC=basementjack,DC=com"

this outputs all the users in that OU

again we can chain for flexibility

Get-ADUser -filter * -SearchBase = "OU=mygroup,DC=basementjack,DC=com" select name, SamAccountName | sort-object name


Lastly don’t forget get-help

Get-Help Get-ADUser -examples

shows a few good examples.

SharePoint 2010 Session State Service

Sharepoint has two state service commands that threw me for a loop

first there is get-SPSessionStateService
then there is get-SPStateServiceApplication

Here’s an article from MSDN that talks about the differences

In Central Admin->Manage Service Applications these show up as follows:

Get-SPSessionStateService -> shows as type “SharePoint Server ASP.NET Session State Service”
Get-SPStateServiceApplication-> shows as type “State Service” and hopfully “State Service Proxy”

While you can easily delete both from Central admin, you can create neither of them from the service applications page.

Creating a new SPStateServiceApplication (and proxy) is relatively easy: 3 lines of powershell:

# from  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee704548.aspx
$serviceApp = New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name ""
New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp
New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -Name "" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp -DefaultProxyGroup

Creating a new SPSessionStateService, on the other hand is a little more involved…

How do I know?

I’m glad you asked….

I ran into an issue where an access report would not display because “session state is not turned on” it didn’t say which one, and through some trial and error, I now understand it was likely looking for the service returned by get-SPSessionStateService.

For me that returned a blank line with no database entry so I thought I’d be best to delete it and recreate it from scratch.

I was wrong.

While deleting and recreating the SPStateServiceApplication is easy, the SPSessionStateService was not easily done in SP2010 with the included powershell commands.

Fortunately I found this article: http://ikarstein.wordpress.com/2010/12/14/error-while-enabling-session-state-service-on-sharepoint-2010/ Which had the steps to recreate the service manually.

I enabled the ASP.Net state windows service, then followed the article above, stopping about half way through, before the provisioning part.

To Provision it, I used Enable-SPSessionStateService -DefaultProvision

Get-SPSessionStateService now returns a complete row, with a database server, and DB name, and ID and best of all Enabled = True

So to summarize my problem,
MS Access services reports needed “SPSessionStateService” which also uses the windows service “ASP.Net State Service”

In troubleshooting, I wasn’t aware of the difference between states so I deleted the “wrong” one in an attempt to reset it.
A little digging and I now have a better understanding of the issue and of the two different state services.

I hope this helps!

Simple PowerShell to Enable BLOB Cache on multiple SharePoint sites.

I needed to enable / configure BLOB caching on multiple sharepoint sites.

This is done by editing the web.config of each SharePoint site, on each SharePoint server.

I wrote this down and dirty script so I would not need to edit all the web.config’s by hand (I had about 20 web.configs to touch)

Note that since its just editing the web.config, we don’t need to run this in a SharePoint shell – I ran it from an ordinary PowerShell command prompt on my workstation.

The script:

Echo "Run this script under an admin account with rights to the servers being hit"

$dir = "\Serverc$inetpubwwwrootwssVirtualDirectories"
$currentDate = (get-date).tostring("mm_dd_yyyy-hh_mm_ss")
# loop through each subdirectory to find each sharepoint site.
foreach ($subdir in dir $dir)
   #  Here In my case, all my SharePoint sites had mydomain.com as part of the folder names,
   #  So the contains statement was an easy way to only touch the web.config's of actual SharePoint sites
   #  while leaving alone central admin and other non-SharePoint websites IIS had.

        $path = $dir + "" + $subdir.name + "Web.config"
        echo $path

        $backup = $path + "_$currentDate.bak"
        $xml = New-Object XML
        $element = $xml.configuration.SharePoint.BlobCache
        echo $element
        $element.location = "X:BlobCache14"
        $element.enabled = "true"
        $element.maxSize = "5"
        echo $element

Over on my old Blog, Basementjack.com, Remco de Groot commented that this isn’t the best way to change a web.config in SharePoint and he’s absolutely right!

He sent over a script from

The article above does a great job of explaining the new script and is a must read. In summary, it uses SharePoint to make the change, and this is a huge help down the line if you ever need to add or replace a SharePoint server in the farm.

I’ll leave the original post’s code above for search engines and as an example of using XML with PowerShell. That said, if you’re here to enable Blob Cache, then definately head on over to the article above

Sharepoint Search: Fix for Office 2007 titles not showing up properly in search results

If search results from SharePoint (not Fast) search are not showing the right title, and instead are showing a few words from the content of the document, theres a registry setting you can set to fix that.

The registry setting will be found on any machine running sharepoint search (Central admin-> Manage servers in this farm will show you which boxes have this role)

These powershell commands will show what the value is currently (or an error if its not found – a good sign that you’re on the wrong machine!)

  $RegKey ="SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice Server14.0SearchGlobalGathering Manager"
  Cd hklm:$RegKey 
  $key = "EnableLastModifiedOverride"
  Get-ItemProperty -path. -name $key | Select $key
  $key = "EnableOptimisticTitleOverride" 
  Get-ItemProperty -path. -name $key | Select $key

(you can see the registry entries in the code, you can edit these manually if you’d like)

This script changes the values to 0, fixing the office 2007 issue in SP2010 search:

$RegKey ="HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice Server14.0SearchGlobalGathering Manager"
set-ItemProperty -path $RegKey -name EnableLastModifiedOverride  -value 0
set-ItemProperty -path $RegKey -name EnableOptimisticTitleOverride -value 0

After you’re done with the above, restart the Sharepoint search service and do a full crawl – it is not necessary to reset the index.

Setting the default 3 groups in SharePoint from PowerShell

I ran into this today –

Tagging on /_Layouts/permsetup.aspx to a site’s url brings up a list of the 3 standard groups for a site:

  • one for visitors
  • one for members
  • one for owners

Today when I tried to change one through the GUI, It threw an error.
The ULS logs were a mess, and not wanting to loose a day opening a case with MS I tried PowerShell.

The solution is fairly easy.
Grab a pointer to the web in question with:

$web = get-spweb http://www.yoururl.com/sites/MainSite/subsite

You can see all the web’s properties with:

$web | fl

The 3 that we’re interested in are:

  • AssociatedVisitorsGroup
  • AssociatedMembersGroup
  • AssociatedOwnersGroup

We can set these with PowerShell easily:

$web.AssociatedVisitorsGroup = $web.SiteGroups["Nameofthegroup"]

Get all sharepoint users users in the farm with Powershell to a CSV file

This is a script that gets each sharepoint site on the farm, enumerates all the site collections and webs and dumps them to the screen as well as a CSV file.

The Current date and time is always appended to the file name so you don’t have to worry about wiping out previous results.

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$timestamp = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmtt"
$filenameStart = "AllFARMUsers"
$logfile = ("{0}{1}.csv" -f $filenamestart, $timestamp)

$header = "type,user,group,weburl,webname"
$header | out-file -FilePath $logfile

$iissitelist = get-spwebapplication 
foreach($onesite in $iissitelist)

	foreach ($SiteCollection in $onesite.sites)
		write-host $SiteCollection -foregroundcolor Blue	
		foreach ($web in $SiteCollection.Allwebs)
			 write-host "    " $web.url $web.name "users:" -foregroundcolor yellow
			 # Write-host "        " $web.users | select name 
			 foreach ($userw in $web.users)
				#if ($userw -like "domain*")
					write-host "        " $userw -foregroundcolor white
					#$msg = ("{0},{1} user:{2}" -f $web.url,$web.name, $userw)
					$msg = ("RootUser,{0},-,{1},{2}" -f $userw, $web.url,$web.name) 
					$msg | out-file -FilePath $logfile  -append
				#  }

			 foreach ($group in $web.Groups)
						Write-host "        " $web.url $group.name: -foregroundcolor green
				 foreach ($user in $group.users)
					# if ($user -like "Domain*")
						  Write-host "            " $user -foregroundcolor white
						  #$msg = ("{0},{1},group:{2}, user:{3}" -f $web.url, $web.name, $group, $user)
						  $msg = ("GroupUser,{0},{1},{2},{3}" -f $user, $group, $web.url, $web.name)
						  $msg | out-file -FilePath $logfile  -append

Sharepoint Powershell to add a user from a trusted domain to sharepoint

Our sharepoint farm was in Domain A and we wanted to grant rights to a group in Domain B.
It worked fine from the GUI but powershell add-spuser or new-spuser failed – both stating the user ID we were adding was no good.
Specifically this was for Mysites – we had thousands of them so doing it by hand wasn’t an option.

$app = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity https://www.siteInDomainA.com
foreach($site in $app.Sites)
    write-host "Updating $site"
    $web = $site.RootWeb
    $web.AllUsers.Add("DomainBDomain Users", [System.String]::Empty, "Domain Users", [System.String]::Empty)
    Set-SPUser -Identity 'DomainBDomain Users' -Web $web.Url -AddPermissionLevel 'Read'

Remove a stuck timer job in SharePoint using Powershell

I recently had a stuck timer job in our sharepoint farm.
It seemed like an easy thing for Powershell, but it turned out to be one step more complicated – I’m not sure why, but here’s the solution I used – thanks to Todd from the Vendor I was working on for providing the fix!

We can use the Cmdlet get-SPTimerJob to see all timerjobs in our sharepoint farm.

If we add a nice little where clause, we can limit the list to a single item:

Get-SPTimerJob | where {$_.name -like "Name of your stuck job"} 

Normally I’ve been able to assign the results to a variable

ie like this:

$badjob = Get-SPTimerJob | where {$_.name -like "Name of your stuck job"} 

Which works.
What didn’t work however was this:


For some reason, I got an error that there was no delete method.

So instead:

Get-SPTimerJob | where {$_.name -like "Name of your stuck job"} |fl
# I then read the ID from the output of the above (note I added | fl at the end) 
# and I copied and pasted it into this command:
$badjobTake2 = Get-SPTimerJob -ID (pasted the ID here)
$badjobTake2.Delete()  #this worked

I’m not sure what the difference is, maybe I even fat fingered it the first time..
but that’s how it got resolved.

Enable Versions on every SharePoint Site with PowerShell (updated with logging)

The Script below will list the version status of every site in your farm.
Note that as the script is below, it only reports, you’ll need to uncomment 3 lines if you want it to make the changes.

It’s a good idea to run the script once or twice before you do that, so you have a log of what settings were.

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$timestamp = get-date -format "yyyMMdd_hhmmtt"
$filenameprefix = "VersionScriptoutput"
$logfile = ("{0}_{1}.csv" -f $filenameprefix, $timestamp)

$header = "ListURL,Enabled"
$header | out-file -filepath $logfile

# tip - the script as is will pull every sharepoint site (at the IIS level) in your farm.
# if you want to filter this to a single IIS site,
# remove the # from the middle of the next line and enter your site's url

$iissitelist = get-spwebapplication # | where {$_.url -eq "https://www.yoursite.com/"}
foreach ($iissite in $iissitelist)
	foreach ($SiteCollection in $iissite.sites)
		write-host $SiteCollection -foregroundcolor Blue
		foreach ($oneweb in $SiteCollection.allwebs)
		   write-host $oneweb.url -foregroundcolor Green
		   #now this is is where we look at the lists
		   $lists = $oneweb.lists
		   foreach ($list in $lists)
			  if($list.EnableVersioning -eq $false)
				  write-host  "$($iissite.url)$oneweb/$list is a not using versions" -foregroundcolor yellow
				  $msg = "$($oneweb.url),$($list.rootfolder)"	
			      $msg | out-file -filepath $logfile -append
                    # note!
                    # if you actually want to make the changes, uncomment the next 3 lines!
				  #$list.Enableversioning = $true
				  #$List.MajorVersionLimit = 3
				  Write-host  "$($oneweb.url)/$($list.RootFolder) has versions enabled! " -foregroundcolor green
				  $msg = "$($oneweb.url)/$($list.rootfolder),true"				  
                  $msg | out-file -filepath $logfile -append