Tag Archives: Sharepoint

PowerShell to activate a SharePoint 2010 feature on every site collection in a web app

I recently was given a WSP to add to our farm.

In this case after the WSP was installed and deployed we needed to activate the feature at the site collection level.
Thats usually easy enough to do through the UI, but in this particular case we had a web application which had over a dozen site collections.


  • http://jack.com
  • http://jack.com/blog
  • http://jack.com/marketing
  • 10 more like the above…

Activating it at http://jack.com from the UI was fine, but when the user navigated to http://jack.com/blog they were stumbling onto another site collection, and the feature wasn’t activated there.

To activate it on every Site collection meant that I’d have to a) know what each site collection was, and b) visit that site, and activate the feature.

Too much work.

What was needed was a simple script that would loop though each site collection, enabling the feature on each one.

The script below is a result of that need…

 # this script enables a feature on every site collection on a given web app

 Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
 $webs =  get-spsite -webapplication "http://www.yoursharepointURL.com"
 $feature = "YourFeatureName" #this might not be what you expect it to be, best to do get-spfeature | Select displayname
  Foreach ($oneweb in $webs)
    write-host $oneweb
    $siteFeature = get-spfeature -site $oneweb | Where {$_.displayname -eq $feature}
    if ($siteFeature -eq $null)
      Write-Host "Activating Site level Features at $oneweb" -foregroundcolor Yellow
      Enable-SPFeature -Identity $Feature -URL $oneweb.URL -Confirm:$False
      Write-Host "Feature $feature is already activated on $oneweb" -foregroundcolor green

If you look at the simple logic, you’ll see you can run it more than once – and the second time you run it, it should display an all green list indicating that all the site collections already have the feature activated.

Sharepoint 2010 ULS logs – How to keep them in SQL

This is another “Wow that was easy!” SharePoint items…

Open Central Admin
Go to the Monitoring section, then under “Timer Jobs”, select “Review job definitions”

There’s a timer job called “Diagnostic Data Provider: Trace Log”

It’s disabled by default, enable it and it will create new tables and a view on your logging database. (I think by default this is named WSS_Logging)
Leave it enabled (mine is set to run every 10 minutes)

Open SQL server Management studio and connect to your sharepoint DB server.
expand the WSS_Logging DB
Expand Views
Look for the new view called “ULSTraceLog”

I usually right click on the view name and “Select Top 1000 Rows”
Then from there I can add a where clause to the query thats on screen,
most often it’s
WHERE CorrelationID = ‘abcd-efg-hijk-lmnop-qrstuv’

Another tip- in the results (which on my system default to the “grid” view),
Right Click, Select All, then
Right Click, Copy with headers
you can then paste this into Excel and it’s pretty readable if you need to email it to someone.

As a side note, I’ve enabled this on a handful of farms and it seems to auto trim the DB sizes – so you don’t need to worry about the DB filling up over time.

Powershell script to add a list of users to the site collection administrators group of every site on your SharePoint 2010 farm.

I wanted a way to inject myself as a site collection admin into every site in sharepoint, Note, I’m not talking about the primary/secondary that you can set in Central admin.
I’m talking about that group you can only get to from within each site itself. Or in this case, with the powershell script below…
Note that it takes an array of names – if you have a team of admins or developers that all need access, you can put all their names in the list.

# set site collection owner for all sites...
# 1-2012
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# $AccountList is an array of Windows Identities in the format of $AccountList = @("DOMAIN\USERID" , "DOMAIN\USERID2")
$AccountList = @("LAB\Jack", "Lab\tom", "Lab\dick", "lab\harry")

#this gets an array of objects representing the sites at the IIS level:
$IISSites = Get-SPWebApplication
Foreach($oneIISSite in $IISSites)
   #using .Sites, we can get a list of the site collections
   foreach ($SharepointSiteCollection in $oneIISSite.Sites)
      write-host $SharepointSiteCollection.url -ForegroundColor Cyan
      $spweb = Get-SPWeb $SharepointSiteCollection.url
      #now we have the website, so lets look at each account in our array
      foreach ($Account in $AccountList)
         #lets see if the user already exists
         Write-host "Looking to see if User " $account " is a member on " $SharepointSiteCollection.url -foregroundcolor Blue
         $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SharepointSiteCollection.url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #This will throw an error if the user does not exist
         if ($user -eq $null)
            #if the user did NOT exist, then we will add them here.
            $SPWeb.ALLUsers.ADD($Account, "", "", "Added by AdminScript")
            $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SharepointSiteCollection.url
            Write-host "Added user $Account to URL $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor Magenta
            Write-host "user $Account was already in URL " $SPWeb.URL -Foregroundcolor DarkGreen
         if ($user.IsSiteAdmin -ne $true)
            $user.IsSiteAdmin = $true
            Write-host "$account has been made an admin on $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor Magenta
         Write-host "$account was already an admin on $SPWeb.URL" -Foregroundcolor DarkGreen


Here’s another version of the script, this one also takes an array of top level URL’s

It’s handy if you have lots of url’s on your site and only want to work with a few of them.

# set site collection owner for all sites...
# 2-2013 Jack

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$logfile = "Powershelloutput.log"

# $AccountList is an array of Windows Identities in the format of $AccountList = @("DOMAINUSERID" , "DOMAINUSERID2")
$AccountList = @("domaintom", "domaindick", "domainharry")

# $iisSiteList is an array of top level IIS site URLs
$iisSiteList = @("http://site1.yoururl.com", "http://anothersite.yoururl.com")

# this is from an earlier version of the script
# That scrip looks at all SP sites on the farm, I've left the old code here for reference
# this gets an array of objects representing the sites at the IIS level:
##  $IISSites = Get-SPWebApplication

Foreach($oneIISSite in $IISSiteList)
  #using .Sites, we can get a list of the site collections
  #so really what were saying is for each SharepointSiteCollection
  #this code is altered a bit, since we're using an array of top level site names.
  # we need to use (Get-SPWebApplication $oneIISSite).Sites
  # which is the same as $sitelist = Get-SPWebApplication $oneIISSite
  #                      $sitelist.sites
  foreach ($SharepointSiteCollection in (Get-SPWebApplication $oneIISSite).Sites)
       $msg = $SharepointSiteCollection.url
       write-host  -ForegroundColor Cyan $msg
       Add-Content $logfile $msg
       $spweb = Get-SPWeb $SharepointSiteCollection.url
       #now we have the website, so lets look at each account in our array
       foreach ($Account in $AccountList)
           #lets see if the user already exists  
           $msg = "Looking to see if User " + $account + " is a member on " + $SharepointSiteCollection.url
           Write-host -foregroundColor Blue $msg
           Add-Content $logfile $msg
           $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SharepointSiteCollection.url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #This will throw an error if the user does not exist
           if ($user -eq $null)
           { #if the user did NOT exist, then we will add them here.
               $SPWeb.ALLUsers.ADD($Account, "", "", "Added by AdminScript")
               $user = Get-SPUSER -identity $Account -web $SharepointSiteCollection.url        
               $msg = "Added user $Account to URL $SPWeb.URL"
               Write-host -Foregroundcolor Magenta $msg
               Add-Content $logfile $msg
                $msg = "user $Account was already in URL " + $SPWeb.URL 
                Write-host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $msg
                Add-Content $logfile $msg
           if ($user.IsSiteAdmin -ne $true)
             $user.IsSiteAdmin = $true
             $msg = "$account has been made an admin on $SPWeb.URL"
             Write-host  -Foregroundcolor Magenta $msg
             Add-Content $logfile $msg
             $msg = "$account was already an admin on $SPWeb.URL" 
             Write-host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $msg
             Add-Content $logfile $msg
$msg = "=============== ALL DONE ================"
Write-host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $msg
Add-Content $logfile $msg


PDF’s not opening in browser from a sharepoint 2010 site?

I had this problem enough times that I wanted to capture the solution.

First of all, credit goes to Craig Lussier on the Technet forms, his post has the full solution and background.


I used the above solution and it worked great.

I also found a script that I did not try. The script is described as being able to change this setting system wide by looping through each document library in each subsite of a given site – it could come in handy. (the script is by the same poster – Craig Lussier – Thanks Craig!


The code below is from the first link above, I’ve copied it here in case MS ever changes the link structure and the original post can’t be found. 

# SPAssignment
$gc = Start-SPAssignment

#Get Web
$web = $gc | Get-SPWeb "http://yourspweburl"

#Get Document Library
$docLib = $web.lists["Your Document Library Title"]

#View all properties/methods of the Document Library and you'll see that BrowserFileHandling is a property
$docLib | Get-Member

#See the current BrowserFileHandling setting for the Document Library

#If you need to change it from Strict to Permissive
$docLib.BrowserFileHandling = "Permissive"

# End SPAssgment
$gc | Stop-SPAssignment

Scope Sharepoint FAST search to a file share

Ok this took a bit of wrangling and some new understandings on my part to understand.

I was trying to index a file share of content, and create a FAST search page that would ONLY search that content. Since the FAST server had tons of other stuff on it, I needed to create a scope to narrow down the search. 

I used this powershell command to create the scope – this is key – you can’t do this from the sharepoint GUI (As of Sharepoint 2010 SP)

New-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope -SearchApplication “FAST Search Query SSA” -Name thisisthescopename -Description “A scope for a file share” -DisplayInAdminUI 1 -ExtendedSearchFilter “contentsource:nameofcontentsource”

Some explanation – the -SearchApplication is the name of our FAST query SSA – yours might be named differently

The -ExtendedSearchFilter nees some explanation,

First, the word contentsource needs to be in lower case – I had orignally tried it in mixed case (ContentSource) and that didn’t work

Next, the :nameofcontentsource – this is the artificial name you gave the content source over in your FAST Content SSA – it’s NOT the URL, UNC Path etc.. of the content!

for example, if in your FAST Content SSA, you created a content source on \server1files and called it myfiles

then your ExtendedSearchFilter would look like this: “contentsource:myfiles”

Ok so that’s the end of my explanation of the command itself.

After a few minutes the scope is created and we can test it in a normal FAST search site in sharepoint

Lets say that we indexed a bunch of content on monkeys and we want to see if it turns up in our new scope.

We would search for scope:thisisthescopename monkey

If we get the results we want, then we know the scope is working.

One step beyond this, we can create a special search page for this scope,

create a new FAST search site in sharepoint.

do a bogus search on the sites home page so that it shows you the results page

Edit the results page in the browser

find the web part at the bottom that displays the results

edit that web part

On the right hand side of the page, are the web parts properties, one of them is ‘scope’

put thisisthescopename in that web part and save the page (don’t forget to check in/publish if needed too)

now on your newly modified search page, when you enter a search for monkey, it will limit it to your scope.